Best android smartphone competition in the world not only are on limited level brand,but also concers the interconcinetal rivalry that has makers.As well as the Asian and European continents,both equally dominate the smartphone market world and fight to become the best smarphone manufacturer.
Competition occurs not only in terms of quality,they are also competitive from a price range and after sales service to our costomers .this made the consumers become divided and weigh up when going to buy smartphone,then,who is the best? she is the best asian smartphone comparison versus best european smartphone.
The Quality of the
In terms the quality,as we know the Eruopean origin of the smartphone has excellent qulity from a diferent caste.However,Asia's bes smartphone also has a quality that is just as well,if viewed from smartphone flagshipin the ranks.
However,it should be noted that most Eruopean manufacturers rely on production in factories in asia to assemble their smartphone for the asian region,especyally in China.Even so,Eruopean manufacturers keep using expert quality control from their continent.This my be something that's good for the asian manufacturers,the reason,they can find out how the procest of making quality smartphone.Even later is not possible asia cloud better than eruope.
this is the most selling and prepered by many consumers 'smartphone.The lates technology emmbeded on the smartphone does have considerable appeal to markets.As od recently,the technology of fingerprint,(fast charging),dual camera,3D tounch,and most recently the iris scaner.
No doubt about this,Asia and europe have innovation respectventely,But the smart phone manufacturer,Asia looks more diligent in innovating and making the smartphone with the latest technology,Europe is the continent that even be missed with the latets technology in the world of smartphones.
Talking about the price,of course,Asia does have a lot of smartphone with a quite affordable peice.But despite their cheap prices,the smartphone has spect that are capable of event better thet the Eruopean
smartpone that cost quite expensive.
Europe is also several times trying to sell cheap mobile phones on the market but havent't been able to beat the Aian smartphone.This is because the european cell phone has spect that are not superior as a smartphone.Opten also the European origin of the cheap prices thus not able to last a long time and tend to be quickly dameged.
After sales service
Since the majority of consumers smartphone comes from asia,typically after sales service wichh favoured the consumer most of Asian manufacturers.It's not that European has no after sales service whichis not good,however it is lees appropriate for consumers even consumers from another country or continent began to have similar criteria.
Viewed from some aspects discussed above,if we think for the long term,certainly more promising than the Asian Smartphone blue continent of origin.Morever,there have bean several giant European smartphone companies are finnaly uprooted.So,i have to admid that Asian manufacturers did better overall consdering the new featurs and prices offered more tantalizing.But with a note that Asian manufacturers develop innovations that still give priority to orginality and not try to follow the European manufacturers