Wednesday, November 16, 2016

5 How Breaking Password WIFi Widely Used Hacker

In addition to using the super sophiscated samrtphones,conneted with super fast internet connetction for free definetely so dream smartphone users when the internet.a neccesity instead.

One way to get a fast and free internet connection is coneccted to the WIFI network.But unfotunately,the high speed internet the WIFI usually dibanderol price expensive.But you know,hackers could esealy break a WIFI connection ?

How Hackers Breaking Into WIFI

Not all hackers are evil.Instead of a Govorment website of rupled breakin inti banks and dessiminate data on people,some hackers are more fond of loking for super fast internet connection to be able to surf in vitual woorld freely.Well,usually break down the WIFI in the following ways:

1.  Through The Router

This is the simplest way that reguler use Hackers to break WIFI.Simply by entering the IP addrees and his username.then the hackers will have free acces to the WIFI network.In pracite,you must access to the router or modem is used.


Wireshark is network Protocol Analyzer which also included as one the Network analysis tool or commoly know as  a packet sniffer.The reasons,wireshark can be used not only to break password WIFI.


Similar to wireshark,you can monitor and anylyze the WIFI network around you using Aircrack.Uniquely,the moment can be conected to a network,you can open the password use a network of WEP (Wired Equievalent Privacy)and WPA (WI-FI protected Acces).In general,these tools are monstly used as network password sretengh tester.

4.CMD Command Prompt Windows

For users of windows operating system windows 8 and Windows 10,one of the ways of the populer WIFI hack password used is trough the command how to hack WIFI password is to type the command:


One of may favorite  password breaker tool windows users and Mac is WifiSlax.if it is used by profesional hackers,WifiSlax can be used to break down the WIFI password just by making a false WIFI network using the same name.Later this tool will record the passwords used,and allows the connet easily
