Recantyly Hackers are romored to have done more in the most trouble as is curenntly going on in Rusia.His ethical hacker crimes i.e steal money more than US $31 milion.The largest Rusia's central Bank announced that the incident which took plece one priday the time Russia as one of the most recent cyber attacks whics onncured in the category of finacial institutions.
Russia Artyom Sychov as central bank clerk mentions,that in fact they were triying to steal the moey of 5 bilion.Responding to a report of the central bang of Sychov stating that a group of hackers attempted to break an account at the bank by way of forged the indetity of a cilent.
Separately,the Goverment of Russia said that it had discovered the plot a froeign spy agency in order to to show chaos in Russia's banking sistem thorough a cordinated siber crime.Explained,spies was also spearding false reports on social media by saying Russia will bank news into bangkruptcy.
However, while finacial regulators around the world have urged bank that operate at this time to be able to strengthen the security sytem from cyber crime.The reason,finacial institutions such as banks are very vulnerable once so the target of hacking and theft.
fears about the onccurence of cyber attacks in the banking world has started in the month of febuary,that is when hackers who until recently unknown indenty stealing money of US $81 milion (USD 1,60 trilion)of the central bank of Bangladesh deposited at the New York Fed.
Until Now,the Agency's law enforcement agencies around the world are still heavily hunted down criminals behind the action account break-ins using wre-transfer request sent trought the messaging network SWIF bank it.