Of course it will inhibit performance of you in the work.So,what do?quiet,jaka had a sulotion how to make not slow and can speed up the computer until its peformance increased 150 percent.
How to make your computer slow, Not 100% successful
1.Use pendrive
Most of you definitaly wear a pendrive to move data or even store data that is temporary.On other hand,the use of flash can turn out to make your computer not slow.How do you do?Easy,you do the steps below Yes.
Plug the pendrive to computer.
- Plug the pendrive to computer.
- Right click on the flash disk in may computer and select Properties.
- Select the ReadyBoost.

- Select Use this device.

- Set how much memory that like to be allocated.
- Click Ok.
In this way,the performance of your computer will be increased and the Flash that his already connected will be the RAM.Some user are already trying to do it says that Flash cannot be a stronge memory again after doing it.So,prepare your pen drive is not already used it.
2.Use the memory cleaner batch files
The second method is to make a computer do not slow you are obliged to make a memory cleaner batch file.What it is?Yes,this is a program that will clean up the memory of your computer whenever you want.This graetly helps you to solve computers problom slow the ofte distrubing.Follow the steps under yes.
- Open the Notepad application then Copy Paste the code is% windir% URsytem32rundll32.exe URadvapi32.dll,ProcessldleTasks ke in notepad yes.

- Then,save it with the name URcleaner.bat and put it in the section deskop.

- After that,see you have successfully made on program.Run the program when your computer slow yes.
How very very easy is not it? You only have to do two steps and the boom! your computer going to speeding.EITs,dot not in a close first-tab.There's still one more way that to do.
3. Clean the Temporary Files
The next method is you mandatory temporary files that exist on your computer.Typycally,this is also that couse your computer slow.So,the following mandatory steps you to speed up the performance of your computer.
- Click on Start and type in %temp%,and then prees enter.
- After entering into those folders,you'll see an awful lot of collection of Temporary files.Press CTRL+A and prees the Delete key to delete the whole thing.
Now,all temporary files already erased and the computers sytem the will rise.